Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2016)
Obsah / Content
Viera Žúborová – Ingrid Borárosová: Migrácia v médiách: utečenci verzus migranti. Chápanie migrantov a utečencov v mediálnom priestore v kontexte pozitívnej a negatívnej mediatizácie [Migration in media: refugees versus migrants. The understanding of migrants and refugees in media in the context of positive and negative mediatization]
Abstract: The migration-refugee crisis has received a lot of attention not only in the political and social sphere which was mainly influenced by the parliamentary elections in the Slovak republic in May, but it also became focal point of interest for academics. The aim of this article is to clarify the mediatization of the migration under the context of its positive and negative presentation. Respectively we can say that the article is focusing on linguistic understanding of two dependent terms, which are “migrant” and “refugee”. We believe that wide spread media coverage of these two terms differs not only in the context of understanding, but also in its interpretation of social reality. Within the presented article we will analyze the media coverage of these two terms with the aim of clarifying the differences between the terminology and of course the interpretation of reality. The result of our research could uncover the trends, which were visicourse the last couple years in mediatization of migration in other European and Non-European countries.
Keywords: Migrant, Refugee, Media, Security, Elections, Politicians
How to cite: Žúborová, V. – Borárosová, I. 2016. „Migrácia v médiách: utečenci verzus migranti. Chápanie migrantov a utečencov v mediálnom priestore v kontexte pozitívnej a negatívnej mediatizácie.“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 1–15.
Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of the European Parliament elections in Poland between 2004 and 2014. As the framework of the analysis, the author chose the theory of second-order elections, developed by Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt. The main research question of the article is to verify, whether it is possible to consider the Polish elections to the European Parliament as a second-order elections. The author analyses three most important characteristics that are attributed to the second order elections: a) a lower turnout; b) a higher proportion of votes for non-parliamentary parties; c) a lower proportion of votes cast by the government parties. The analysis demonstrates many violations of Reif and Schmitt’s original propositions, except lower turnout expectation. In this context, we conclude that historically higher volatility and lower institutionalization of the Polish party system could be an important factor in dampening the expected outcomes of elections with regard to the theoretical assumptions of the second-order elections theory.
Keywords: Poland, European Parliament elections, second-order elections, political parties
How to cite: Maškarinec, P. 2016. „Polské volby do Evropského parlamentu v letech 2004–2014 pohledem teorie voleb druhého řádu.“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 16–34.
Abstract: The relation between the state and the armed forces is often crucial for the survival and the quality of democratic regimes. Despite the existence of rich theoretical literature about civil-military relations, comparative research about the influence of the military on politics in contemporary democratic regimes is largely missing. In one of the few studies on this topic, Rollin F. Tusalem (2013) suggests that high influence of the military in politics has deleterious effect on the quality of democracy. Unfortunately despite the importance of this finding, we know relative little about the causes of this influence. Inspired by classic research about this topic by Robert Putnam (1967), this study examines the causes of military influence into politics in 16 competitive regimes in Latin America between 2004 and 2012. The results highlight the importance of the social mobilization, degree of civil society participation and previous military interventions.
Keywords: Military, Latin America, Structural Conditions, Military Influence, Military Tutelage
How to cite: Bílek, J. 2016. „Když armáda mluví do politiky aneb k vysvětlení příčin vojenských intervencí do politiky v Latinské Americe.“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 35–49.
Abstract: This article deals with a phenomenon of freedom and its connection with natural law in the case of personalist Maritain perception of death penalty in contrast to human right to live. The article offers perception regarding these assumptions: the rule of freedom is determined by negative and positive terms of freedom; Maritain divides using and holding of the natural law in the case of death penalty which is against positive and negative freedoms relation; death penalty cannot be justified by equity concept. These assumptions are examined through content analysis and contextualize of freedom by Spinoza and Berlin. The results confirm two of three assumptions, the third assumption is refused because death penalty can be justified by equity concept but it does not solve a question of concrete content formation of equity in the concrete society. Maritain´s natural law theory is too formalistic in their application on the death penalty in the light of conceptualization of natural human right to live.
Keywords: Christian personalism, Death penalty, Equity, Maritain, Natural law
How to cite: Stulík, O. 2016. „Svoboda, přirozené právo a formalismus: příklad trestu smrti u Jacquese Maritaina“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 50–62.
Lukáš Novotný: Karin Bischof: Global Player EU? Eine ideologiekritische Metaphernanalyse
How to cite: Novotný, L. 2016. „Karin Bischof: Global Player EU? Eine ideologiekritische Metaphernanalyse..“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 63–66.
Petr Bláha: Miroslav Mareš: Ne Islámu!
How to cite: Bláha, P. 2016. „Miroslav Mareš: Ne Islámu!“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 67–69.