Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2019)

Obsah / Content


Stanislava Brajerčíková: Is Germany Acting as a Civilian Power in German–Czech Relations?

Abstract: Bilateral German–Czech relations have been developing in a very specific, almost reserved manner, although the two countries are closely linked through EU and NATO membership. Despite the importance of their mutual cooperation within the EU, some discrepancies do appear in the course of their cooperation. As a consequence, this article identifies, on the one hand, the main disputed issues in German–Czech relations linked both with European policy, particularly with the issues of deepening and widening European integration, the refugee crisis and the Eurozone crisis, and with purely bilateral matters stemming from the context of the negative experiences of World War II. On the other hand, it attempts to answer the following primary research question: “In defined disputed areas of cooperation, is Germany acting as a civilian power toward the Czech Republic?“

Keywords:  European integration issues, refugee crisis, Eurozone crisis, questions of the past, German-Czech Declaration

How to cite: Brajerčíková, S. 2019. „Is Germany acting as a civilian power in German-Czech relations?“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 1–23.

Jiří Zákravský: „Všichni jsme na tebe tak hrdí.“ Vítězství Velšana Gerainta Thomase na Tour de France 2018 pohledem twitterových účtů politiků Plaid Cymru [‘We’re All So Proud of You.̕ Geraint Thomas’s 2018 Tour de France Triumph on the Twitter Accounts of Plaid Cymru Politicians]

Abstract: The topic of the article is Geraint Thomas’s 2018 Tour de France triumph and its reflection in the Welsh society, and more specifically among the elected nationalist politicians of Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales). Thomas became the first Welsh cyclist to win the most famous Grand Tour and, as I suppose, Plaid Cymru politicians employed his success to (re)construct the Welsh national identity via the new social network Twitter, using different categories of tweets openly connected with Thomas’s triumph. The aim of this study is to confirm or disprove that assumption.

Keywords: Plaid Cymru, Wales, nationalism, national identity, sport, cycling, Twitter

How to cite: Zákravský, J. 2019. „ʻVšichni jsme na tebe tak hrdí.ʼ Vítězství Velšana Gerainta Thomase na Tour de France 2018 pohledem twitterových účtů politiků Plaid Cymru.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 24–51.

Ondřej Filipec: Hybrid Warfare: Between Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism

Abstract: Hybrid Warfare: Between Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism. Since the Annexation of the Crimea there is an increasing interest in hybrid warfare. This article attempts to place the concept of hybrid warfare into the context of three principal international security theories which helps to discover and develop three different perceptions on hybrid warfare. While realism allows us to place hybrid warfare into the context of power politics, liberalism enables us to look closely at the effects of hybrid warfare and explore its soft power dimension in the context of disinformation and propaganda. This is also the case of constructivism which offers the lens for analysing impacts of disinformation and propaganda on (re)construction of identities, values and changes in political discourse. All three theories shall not be considered as exclusive but rather complementary, allowing the creation of a complex analytical framework for various dimensions of hybrid warfare.

Keywords: Hybrid warfare, hybrid threats, disinformation, propaganda, Russia, realism, liberalism, constructivism

How to cite: Filipec, O. 2019. „Hybrid Warfare: Between Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 52–70.

Petr Papoušek: Maghrib v zajetí alžírsko-marockého mocenského soupeření [Maghreb Regional Politics in the Straitjacket of the Algerian–Moroccan Power Rivalry]

Abstract: Dating back to the 1960s, the Algerian–Moroccan power rivalry has affected the stability of the Maghreb for decades. However, as new political representatives came to power in both countries in 1999 (Abdelaziz Bouteflika in Algeria and Mohammed VI in Morocco), the whole region eagerly awaited the warming of mutual relations and a gradual shift from distrust to cooperation and joint prosperity. Such expectations proved to be naïve. This period of Algerian–Moroccan relations between 1999 and 2018 and their impact on the stability of the Maghreb represent the main topic of this paper. A. F. K. Organski’s power transition theory is employed to analyse the motives and ambitions of Algeria and Morocco in the region and the causes of their distrust. The empirical question here is how the relations developed in the past twenty years and how they affected the stability of the Maghreb itself. Due to hostile relations and the nearly complete absence of regional cooperation, Algeria and Morocco, as well as the Maghreb in general, have suffered from serious security issues, primarily in terms of terrorism and massive illegal migration, slow economic growth or budget deficits caused by increasing military expenditures. In accordance with the power transition theory, the role of global powers in the Algerian–Moroccan rivalry is also analyzed.

Keywords: Algeria, Morocco, power rivalry, Maghreb, power transition theory

How to cite: Papoušek, P. 2019. „Maghrib v zajetí alžírsko-marockého mocenského soupeření.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 71–93.


Petr Krčál: Jan Charvát – Bob Kuřík a kol.: Mikrofon je naše bomba. Politika hudební subkultury mládeže v postsocialistickém Česku.

How to cite: Krčál, P. 2019. „Jan Charvát – Bob Kuřík a kol.: Mikrofon je naše bomba. Politika hudební subkultury mládeže v postsocialistickém Česku.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 94–97.

Tomáš Flek – Tomáš Sabo: Oleg SUŠA – Marek HRUBEC, et al.: Riziková společnost a globální ohrožení: ke kritické teorii Ulricha Becka.

How to cite: Flek, T.  – Sabo, T. 2019. „Oleg SUŠA – Marek HRUBEC, et al.: Riziková společnost a globální ohrožení: ke kritické teorii Ulricha Becka.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (2): 98–100.