Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015)

Obsah / Content


Lukáš Novotný: Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení [The Pirates in the Berlin Chamber of Deputies: An overview of theirs current activities]

Abstract: Today, the Pirate Party in Germany has both the longest and strongest representation in Chamber of Deputies in Berlin. This year (2015), it will be defend its almost nine percentage gain from previous election, and it will not be easy task, due to unfavourable electoral preferences of the Pirate Party, its apparent disarray and disunity in programmatic issues. If we want evaluate the activity of the Pirate Party as such, its presence in the German capital is absolutely crucial. This study will focus on the analysis of the successes and failures of the Berlin Pirates, while it will devote special attention to the four programmatic priorities that we identified as central for the Berlin Pirates: a) transparency policy; b) hierarchy and party discipline; c) participation of citizens in political decision-making processes; d) party performing.

Keywords: Piratenpartei Deutschlands, Germany, political party, liquid democracy, direct democracy, Berlin

Citace článku: Novotný, L. 2015. „Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 1–16.

Martin Havlík: Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii [The issue of direct democracy in California]

Abstract: My focus of interest in this article is direct democracy in California. I would like to present common history of direct democracy in California and in the USA and I will mention legislative framework of direct democracy in California Constitution. One of an important part of this article describes problems of direct democracy and its effect to California state budget. In context of California financial problems, I will mention some examples of popular voting in 2014, which illustrate how Californian citizens can influence revenues and costs of the state budget. In the end of article, I will deal with problems of recall institute.

Keywords: California, USA, direct democracy, recall, state budget

Citace článku: Havlík, M. 2015. „Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 17–28.

Jan Charvát: Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran [Right or Left? An analysis of the Pirate Party’s ideology]

Abstract: The article discusses the political position of the Pirate Parties, which emerged in Europe after 2009. The author notes how these parties define themselves, what their ideological evolution is and what their programmatic is. It focuses on the question of whether the Pirate Party should be placed on the left-right scale in particular. The article questioned pursuing particular lines of the right-wing libertarianism, left-wing libertarianism, social liberalism and partly anarchism. It questions whether the Pirate Parties are type of the single-issue party, or whether their ten-year development led to a situation where in fact they offer a fully-fledged political program

Keywords: Czech Republic, Pirate Party, ideology, liberalism, libertarianism, social-liberalism

Citace článku: Charvát, J. 2015. „Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 29–39.

Jiří Pytelka: Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo [Theoretical opportunities of the regional political subsystems analysis: the example of the Federal Republic of Germany]

Abstract: This article attempts to approach the research opportunities in the field of the regional party competition research in multi–level settings on the example of Federal Republic Germany regional (state) level. First, we present an overview of approaches that explore sub-state party systems and levels of theirs congruence with national party systems. Second, we present possible opportunities and constraints that for sub-state research offer the German environment. Finally, despite rather theoretical focus of the article, we present a brief empirical analysis of one of the regional political sub-system, using the elections in Saxony-Anhalt from 1990 to 2011 as an example.

Keywords: Germany, German Länder, Sachsen-Anhalt, party competition, regional elections, multi-level settings, party system nationalization

Citace článku: Pytelka, J. 2015. „Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 40–54.


Marek Jeřicha: Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici

Citace článku: Jeřicha, M. 2015. „Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 55–57.

Radek Soběhart: Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby

Citace článku: Soběhart, R. 2015. „Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 58–60.