Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2017)

Obsah / Content


Emir Fatih Akbulat:  Syrian Circassians in the context of the Syrian refugees‘ issue: Nature of the problem on the basis of the international community in Turkey and Russin and  suggested solutions

Abstract: In the second half of the 19th century, some of the Circassian refugees, expelled after the occupation of the Caucasus by tsarist Russia, were settled by the Ottoman Empire in the region of the Middle East. The problems of the integration of the Circassian minority within the borders of the national states created in the Middle East after the First World War newly emerged in the Syrian civil war, which began in 2011. In this war, Circassians did not support any of the groups. Because of the military actions, Syrian Circassians were forced to leave the country in order not to participate in the violence. The Syrian Circassians, estimated at 10,000 to 15,000 people, fled from Syria, mainly to Turkey and the Russian Federation, as well as in a smaller number to Lebanon, Jordan, the United States, Canada, the EU countries and other countries. The problem of the repatriation of Syrian Circassians to their homeland in the Caucasus, as well as the solution of socio-economic problems in those countries in which they are forced to seek asylum, are the responsibility of international institutions and organizations, especially the UN. These institutions should take the necessary initiatives as soon as possible. The migration of Circassians to the territory of Syria, as well as the process of adaptation of Circassians after migration, have been investigated from a historical point of view. The migration of Circassians outside Syria due to the civil war, which continues from March 2011, was discussed on the basis of Russian- Turkish and international institutions, and ways to solve the problems of Syrian Circassians were presented in the final part of the study.

Keywords: Circassian, migration, Syrian crisis

Citace článku: Akbulat, E. F. 2017. „Syrian Circassians in the context of the Syrian refugees‘ issue: Nature of the problem on the basis of the international community in Turkey and Russia and suggested solutions.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 1–25.

Hana Hlaváčková: Analýza zahraničně-politického diskurzu slovinské diplomacie vůči Chorvatsku po roce 2004 [Analysis of foreign policy discourse of Slovenian diplomacy towards Croatia after 2004]

Abstract: The article focuses on Slovenia as a post Yugoslav state who is now member of European Union. Slovenia has still tights with Western Balkan states and their relationship worth studying, especially with Croatia. This article deals with role theory, part of foreign policy analysis, and its concepts which help to understand foreign policy behaviour. Main aim of this work is to identify role or role set of Slovenian behaviour towards Croatia. The article uses qualitative content analysis and critical discursive analysis to research what role(s) Slovenia plays. What role does Slovenia plays towards Croatia and does it change during Croatia entered EU?

Keywords: foreign policy, Slovenia, discourse analysis, Croatia, EU

Citace článku: Hlaváčková, H. 2017. „Analýza zahraničně-politického diskurzu slovinské diplomacie vůči Chorvatsku po roce 2004.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 26–49.

Hynek Tippelt: Otevřená pevnost. K filosofickým aspektům přímé demokracie [Open Fortress. On the Philosophical Aspects of Direct Democracy] 

Abstract: The present study aims to introduce systematical philosophical justification of direct democracy. First, it proposes to leave ontological dualism behind and look at reality as a holistic one. Then the paper describes complications in gnoseology which derives from ontological dualism and
instead of it suggests to accept as axiom direct access to truth for everyone – meaning there are no barriers, that only for someone, or vast majority, make the truth unaccessable. The ethical dimension of holistic reality is conceptualised as a freedom-risk-responsibility triplet. Philosophical holism could be a source of stability, much needed in direct democracy with its openness in sense of dynamic changes and revisions. As the second source of stability is proposed the publicnees/non-anonymity of votes in referendums. This could prevent all technical and many other manipulations. It means electronic referendum is necessary. There are many arguments against the praxis of direct democracy, but most of them disappear, when we suppose the non-anonymity. At the same time, non-anonymity supports responsibility and opens risks, which is what we are free for.

Keywords: Direct democracy, philosophical holism, electronic referendum, non-anonymous voting

Citace článku: Tippelt, H. 2017. „Otevřená pevnost. K filosofickým aspektům přímé demokracie“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 50–71.

Michaela Šímová: Spory o koncepci Národního parku Šumava optikou teorie labelingu [Struggle for conception of National Park Šumava through optics of labelling theory]

Abstract: The main aim of this research study is to discuss how the dispute about the National Park Šumava is displayed by the Czech media. For this purpose, qualitative content analysis of 75 articles from various Czech newspapers since 2011 was done with an emphasis on the mutual perspectives of two groups, in the text construed as zásahovači a bezzásahovači, agonistically competing with each other about hegemonisation of discourse. The data were analysed with utilisation of labelling theory and theory of hegemony and it was find out that the National park Šumava was perceived as a battlefield or ring, serving for asserting the agonistic stances and stereotypical labelling of each other.

Keywords: National Park Šumava, labelling theory, media, non-intervention principle, hegemony

Citace článku: Šímová, M. 2017. „Spory o koncepci Národního parku Šumava optikou teorie labelingu.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 72–85.


Jan Skalský: Franco Cardini: Chálífa a západ: kořeny terorismu a pokrytectví Západu.

Citace článku: Skalský, J. 2017. „Franco Cardini: Chálífa a západ: kořeny terorismu a pokrytectví Západu.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 86–89.

Hana Voltrová: Rainer Hermann: Konečná stanice Islámský stát? Selhání státu a náboženská válka v arabském světě.

Citace článku: Voltrová, H. 2017. „Rainer Hermann: Konečná stanice Islámský stát? Selhání státu a náboženská válka v arabském světě.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (1): 90–94.