Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2017)

Obsah / Content


Daniel Šárovec: Krajské volby 2016 a nové politické strany v České republice [The 2016 Regional Elections and New Political Parties in the Czech Republic]

Abstract: Czechparty system has significantly changed again after elections to the Chamber of Deputies. Elections in 2013. There were successful two new parties ANO 2011 and Dawn of Direct Democracy. This article focuses on the role of these new parties in regional elections 2016. Despite splitting PRO2016 off from ANO, was ANO with leader Andrej Babiš participating as a unitary actor in these elections. Dawn has undergone a much more complex process. In result Dawn has split off to two new parties – Dawn-National Coalition which was following up former Dawn of Direct Democracy, and Freedom and Direct Democracy of previous Dawn’s leader Tomio Okamura. This article aims to focus on a success of only two parties from the mix of all new parties in the regional elections 2016 – ANO as an election winner and Freedom and Direct Democracy as an election surprise – and to describe different ways which led to their electoral achievement.

Keywords: ANO 2011, Czech Republic, Dawn of Direct Democracy, Dawn-National Coalition, Freedom and Direct Democracy, new parties, newness, regional elections 2016

Citace článku: Šárovec, D. 2017. „Krajské volby 2016 a nové politické strany v České republice.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 1–25.

Vladimír Naxera – Petr Krčál:  Všichni proti jednomu? „Anti-kotlebovský“ diskurz na oslavách výročí SNP 2017 [All against one? „Anti-Kotlebian“ discourse during the SNU 2017 celebrations]

Abstract: Following paper aims to analyze so called “anti-Kotlebian” (Marian Kotleba is leader of neo-Nazi party) discourse produced during the ceremony held on the occasion of Slovak National Uprising celebrations in Banská Bystrica (2017). Our effort is to provide interpretation of this discourse in two levels. According to Norman Fairclough, the first level is called “discoursive production” and deals with analysis of speeches held by politicians. The second level aims to “discoursive practice” and is focused to characterize creation of “anti-Kotlebian front” which tries to unite “anti-Kotlebian” voters. Used data were created through semiparticipant observation of these ceremonies.

Keywords: Banská Bystrica, reproduction of discourse, Marian Kotleba, neo-nazism, Slovak National Uprising, Robert Fico

Citace článku: Naxera, V. – Krčál, P. 2017. „Všichni proti jednomu? “Anti-kotlebovský” diskurz na oslavách výročí SNP 2017.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 26–38.

Lukáš Novotný: Pegida a migrační politika [Pegida and migration policy]

Abstract: Pegida exists since 2014 and is one of the most important contemporary organized form of social protest in Germany, and indeed, it is regularly demonstrating. It is associated with Dresden city and criticism of the current governing squad in Germany, and it understands as a proponent of the interests of „ordinary people“. This study will deal with Pegida, with a focus on the ways in which she criticizes the Federal Republic of Germany’s migration and asylum policies. This text is grounded in the fact that Pegida contributes to the current debate and to the existence of this „gap“. We will look at criticism of Pegida in the context of the current German debates on Leitkultur, about the role of Islam in today’s German society. The text will also present Pegida’s main development phase with focus of its program (Dresden theses), public speeches (especially on demonstrations) and the ideas of its representatives.

Keywords: protest, politics, Germany, Pegida, migration, opinion-policy gap

Citace článku: Novotný L. 2017. „Pegida a migrační politika“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 39–54.


Jana Lasicová: Erik PAJTINKA: Základy teórie a praxe diplomacie.

Citace článku: Lasicová, J. 2017. „Erik PAJTINKA: Základy teórie a praxe diplomacie.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 55–57.