Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2018)
Obsah / Content
Štefan Ižák: Obraz Ukrajiny v prokremeľských médiách na Slovensku [The Image of Ukraine in the Pro-Kremlin Media in Slovakia]
Abstract: The study deals with the image of Ukraine as it is presented by selected Slovak pro-kremlin media, which are often called channels spreading pro-kremlin propaganda. The main goal of the study is to find out which discourses they are reproducing. The secondary goal is to describe discourse strategies, which legitimize these discourses. Research materials are analyzed by using the discourse analysis method starting from Discourse theory by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and they are put into the wider political context with focus on Russian medial and political discourse on Ukraine and the West. The first chapter deals with the methodology of study and defines the key concepts that are used in the article. The second chapter briefly outlines current political context. The third chapter informs readers about the current situation in the Slovak pro-kremlin media scene. The empirical part then analyses research material and presents the results.
Keywords: Ukraine, Russia, Pro-Kremlin media, discourse, discourse analysis
Citace článku: Ižák, Š., D. 2018. „Obraz Ukrajiny v prokremeľských médiách na Slovensku.“ Central European Journal of Politics 4 (2): 1–24.
Tomáš Halamka: Strauss versus Skinner: spor o Machiavelliho [Strauss versus Skinner: a Dispute over Machiavelli]
Abstract: This comparative case study investigates the approaches of Leo Strauss and Quentin Skinner to the interpretation of texts as well as the political significance they ascribe to them. Following the brief general introduction to both approaches the article concentrates on both thinkers’ interpretation the work of Niccolò Machiavelli. The article then compares both interpretations, tracks how the theoretical and methodological assumptions influenced the respective interpretations of Machiavelli’s work and discusses the mutual relation between the two accounts. Finally, the article focuses on the implications of identified differences and their impact on how research in political thought and political science is conducted. The findings assert that both interpretations, while not being entirely antithetic, provide us with insights to different dimensions of Machiavelli’s work. The article thus concludes that any hasty rejection of either of the presented approaches (as sometimes done by hardline followers on both sides) might impoverish our understanding of the text and make us ignorant to its important aspects.
Keywords: Skinner, Strauss, Machiavelli, interpretation, methodology, political philospohy
Citace článku: Halamka, T. 2018. „Strauss versus Skinner: spor o Machiavelliho.“ Central European Journal of Politics 4 (2): 25–42.
Lucia Husenicová: Vybrané diskusie o suverenite v teórii medzinárodných vzťahov [Selected Discussions on Sovereignty in the Theory of International Relations]
Abstract: The concept of sovereignty belongs to a most discussed in political science, philosophy and also international relations theories. However, the scientific debate is not the only one, sovereignty is often discussed and used by politicians and population. Politicians tend to use the concept in their effort to secure political gains. Recently we are witnessing a surge of these discussion that have resulted in Brexit, or electing Donald Trump as the U.S. president. The understanding of sovereignty in the political discussions is often simplified and rather straightforward, often emphasizing the need to regain the so-called external sovereignty. Therefore, the aim of the article is to look into the debate on sovereignty taking place among international relations scholars. The article assumes that the simple division of sovereignty on the internal and external is not sufficient and often misused for political purposes. The paper offers the comparative and multilevel perception of sovereignty in international relations theories at the beginning of the science and since the 1990s. It concludes that the international relations scholars do not approach sovereignty as unambiguously defined concept, to the contrary. It is important to share this discussion among population and politicians, to prevent the concept to be used for political gains and significantly affect the reality of international relations. .
Keywords: sovereignty, international relations, state, theories of international relations, power, integration, interdependency
Citace článku: Husenicová, L. 2018. „Suverenita z pohľadu teoretikov medzinárodných vzťahov.“ Central European Journal of Politics 4 (2): 43–61.
Nikol Vavřincová: Fareed ZAKARIA: Obrana liberálního vzdělání.
Citace článku: Vavřincová, N. 2018. „Fareed ZAKARIA: Obrana liberálního vzdělání.“ Central European Journal of Politics 4 (2): 62–65.