Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

The Central European Journal of Politics is the official journal of the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) and is indexed in the DOAJ, ERIH Plus and Index Copernicus

Citation Standards

A citation standard in the journal Central European Journal of Politics applies the so-called Harvard style, i.e. a system of referring directly in the text and the final list of used literature. Therefore, only content-related notes may be placed as footnotes, while references to literature ought to always be included in the text itself.

A DOI is assigned to all reviewed texts in Central European Journal of Politics accepted for publication starting with edition 2/2020. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique code that serves as a permanent link for identifying and searching for electronic sources. In order to be assigned a DOI, the author must carefully list the DOI for all cited sources in the bibliography that have a DOI. The DOI must be listed in the form of a full internet link: https://doi.org/DOI-prefix/DOI-sufix (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1080/15387216.2019.1691928). Whether or not an electronic source has a DOI can be verified here: http://www.crossref.org/guestquery.

In-text citiations

name of the author included in the main text:

        • Linek (2012) or Linek (2012, 2014)

name of the author not included in the main text:

        • (Hanley 2012: 120) or (Hanley 2011, 2012) or (Reed 1990: 336–340; Hanley 2012: 120–125)

two authors:

        • Deegan-Krause and Haughton (2010: 237–239) or (Deegan-Krause and Haughton 2010: 237–239)

thee or more than three authors:

        • Grofman et al. (2004) or (Grofman et al. 2014)

more than one work by the same author, published in the same year:

        • Linek (2012a, 2012b) or (Linek 2012a, 2012b)

works without a clear author (institutional publications):

        • International Crisis Group (2009) or (International Crisis Group 2009); or by acronym: ICG (2013) or (ICG 2013). Please maintain the same style (full name or acronym) in the Bibliography as well.

direct quotations:

        • in double quotation marks (“quotations”), plain text (not in italics). Quotations longer than four lines shall be presented as self-contained paragraphs, font size 11, block indentation 1.0 both left and right. If parts of the quoted text are to be ommitted, please use the (…) tag. If the quotation needs to be altered by the author (for stylistic or substantive reasons), please use square brackets, i.e. “[italics added]” or “[italics in original]”.



        • Agnew, J.A. 1987. Place and Politics: The Geographical Mediation of State and Society. London: Allen & Unwin.
        • Dahl, R.A. and Tufte, E.R. 1973. Size and Democracy. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
        • Campbell, A., Converse, P.E., Miller, W.E., and Stokes, D. 1960. The American Voter. New York: Wiley.

Collective monograph or anthology

        • Hloušek, V. and Kopeček, L. (eds.). 2003. Demokracie. Teorie, modely, osobnosti, podmínky, nepřátelé a perspektivy demokracie. Brno: Masarykova univerzita/Mezinárodní politologický ústav.

Journal article

        • O’Loughlin, J. 2002. “The Electoral Geography of Weimar Germany: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) of Protestant Support for the Nazi Party.” Political Analysis 10 (3): 217–243.

Chapter in a collective monograph or anthology

        • Lipset, S.M. and Rokkan, S. 1967. “Clevage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments: An Intoduction.” In: S. M. Lipset and S. Rokkan (eds.). Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. New York: The Free Press, 1–64.

Document of an organization

        • ICG. 2005. Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy. Kathmandu/Brussels: International Crisis Group.

Document of organization on the internet

        • ICG. 2005. Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy. Kathmandu/Brussels: International Crisis Group. [online]. [cit. 20. 5. 2015]. Available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-asia/nepal/104-nepals-maoists-their-aims-structure-and-strategy.aspx

Newspaper article

        • Oyundari, E. 2015. “President answers questions from parliamentary members.” UB Post. 12. dubna 2015, 5.
        • UB Post. 2015. “President takes part in World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.” UB Post. 12. dubna 2015, 5.

Newspaper article on the internet

        • Oyundari, E. 2015. “President answers questions from parliamentary members.” UB Post. 12. dubna 2015. [online]. [cit. 20. 5. 2015]. Available at: http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=14147

Master’s, doctoral, habilitation thesis

        • Šedo, J. 2006. Volební systémy postkomunistických zemí. Dizertační práce. Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, Brno.