Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
The Central European Journal of Politics is indexed in the DOAJ, ERIH Plus and Index Copernicus
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015)
Obsah / Content
Lukáš Novotný: Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení
Abstract: Today, the Pirate Party in Germany has both the longest and strongest representation in Chamber of Deputies in Berlin. This year (2015), it will be defend its almost nine percentage gain from previous election, and it will not be easy task, due to unfavourable electoral preferences of the Pirate Party, its apparent disarray and disunity in programmatic issues. If we want evaluate the activity of the Pirate Party as such, its presence in the German capital is absolutely crucial. This study will focus on the analysis of the successes and failures of the Berlin Pirates, while it will devote special attention to the four programmatic priorities that we identified as central for the Berlin Pirates: a) transparency policy; b) hierarchy and party discipline; c) participation of citizens in political decision-making processes; d) party performing.
Keywords: Piratenpartei Deutschlands, Germany, political party, liquid democracy, direct democracy, Berlin
Citace článku: Novotný, L. 2015. „Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 1–16.
Martin Havlík: Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii
Abstract: My focus of interest in this article is direct democracy in California. I would like to present common history of direct democracy in California and in the USA and I will mention legislative framework of direct democracy in California Constitution. One of an important part of this article describes problems of direct democracy and its effect to California state budget. In context of California financial problems, I will mention some examples of popular voting in 2014, which illustrate how Californian citizens can influence revenues and costs of the state budget. In the end of article, I will deal with problems of recall institute.
Keywords: California, USA, direct democracy, recall, state budget
Citace článku: Havlík, M. 2015. „Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 17–28.
Jan Charvát: Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran
Abstract: The article discusses the political position of the Pirate Parties, which emerged in Europe after 2009. The author notes how these parties define themselves, what their ideological evolution is and what their programmatic is. It focuses on the question of whether the Pirate Party should be placed on the left-right scale in particular. The article questioned pursuing particular lines of the right-wing libertarianism, left-wing libertarianism, social liberalism and partly anarchism. It questions whether the Pirate Parties are type of the single-issue party, or whether their ten-year development led to a situation where in fact they offer a fully-fledged political program
Keywords: Czech Republic, Pirate Party, ideology, liberalism, libertarianism, social-liberalism
Citace článku: Charvát, J. 2015. „Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 29–39.
Jiří Pytelka: Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo
Abstract: This article attempts to approach the research opportunities in the field of the regional party competition research in multi–level settings on the example of Federal Republic Germany regional (state) level. First, we present an overview of approaches that explore sub-state party systems and levels of theirs congruence with national party systems. Second, we present possible opportunities and constraints that for sub-state research offer the German environment. Finally, despite rather theoretical focus of the article, we present a brief empirical analysis of one of the regional political sub-system, using the elections in Saxony-Anhalt from 1990 to 2011 as an example.
Keywords: Germany, German Länder, Sachsen-Anhalt, party competition, regional elections, multi-level settings, party system nationalization
Citace článku: Pytelka, J. 2015. „Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 40–54.
Marek Jeřicha: Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici
Citace článku: Jeřicha, M. 2015. „Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 55–57.
Radek Soběhart: Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby
Citace článku: Soběhart, R. 2015. „Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 58–60.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Author Guidelines
The journal Central European Journal of Politics accepts manuscripts in an electronic form as a Word document (.doc, .docx) at the e-mail address: pavel.maskarinec@ujep.cz.
Passing a text to the editors, the author agrees to it being published (upon a positive review process) and declares that the text is original and he holds a full copyright for it, including the permission to use it. The contributions are not paid.
A) Extent of the manuscript
Article – up to 30 standard pages, i.e. 54,000 characters, including spaces. The stipulated extent does not include abstract, references, or appendices.
Review article, discussion paper – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
Reviews, conference reports, and others – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
B) Formal aspects of the manuscripts
Each author has to provide his name, contact, and full address of his workplace, including his job position, and an e-mail address in a footnote on the first page.
An English title, a brief summary of the article in English (abstract, 150-200 words) and several (usually 5-6) keywords, also in English, have to be inserted under the title of the contribution and the author’s name.
At the conclusion of the paper, it is obligatory to give an alphabetical list of references and sources, i.e. without distinguishing between electronic and printed sources, primary and secondary sources, and the like.
C) Typographical form of contributions
Title of article: Cambria font – font size 18 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of author: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of workplace: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Abstract: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, italic normal typeface (normal)
Keywords: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Titles of chapters: Cambria font – font size 14 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Crossheadings, headings of lower level: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Text itself: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Spacing of the whole text: 1.25-fold line
Margins of the text: 2.5 cm
Text highlighting
With italics, not bold or underlining (with the exception of headings, see above).
Numbered in Arabic numerals in a superscript format, inserted continuously into the text as „footnotes“ (and, therefore, not as explanatory notes at the end of the text). Cambria font, font size 10 pt, spacing 1.25-fold line.
Tables, images, graphs, diagrams
Numbered consecutively and separately for each category (e.g. „Table no. 1,“ „Scheme no. 4“). It is essential to quote the source, if not clear from the text (for instance, „Source: author’s calculations“). Tables and images must be numbered consecutively; it is also necessary to quote all the used sources.
Each text must contain a Czech as well as English title.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Author Guidelines
The journal Central European Journal of Politics accepts manuscripts in an electronic form as a Word document (.doc, .docx) at the e-mail address: pavel.maskarinec@ujep.cz.
Passing a text to the editors, the author agrees to it being published (upon a positive review process) and declares that the text is original and he holds a full copyright for it, including the permission to use it. The contributions are not paid.
A) Extent of the manuscript
Article – up to 30 standard pages, i.e. 54,000 characters, including spaces. The stipulated extent does not include abstract, references, or appendices.
Review article, discussion paper – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
Reviews, conference reports, and others – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
B) Formal aspects of the manuscripts
Each author has to provide his name, contact, and full address of his workplace, including his job position, and an e-mail address in a footnote on the first page.
An English title, a brief summary of the article in English (abstract, 150-200 words) and several (usually 5-6) keywords, also in English, have to be inserted under the title of the contribution and the author’s name.
At the conclusion of the paper, it is obligatory to give an alphabetical list of references and sources, i.e. without distinguishing between electronic and printed sources, primary and secondary sources, and the like.
C) Typographical form of contributions
Title of article: Cambria font – font size 18 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of author: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of workplace: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Abstract: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, italic normal typeface (normal)
Keywords: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Titles of chapters: Cambria font – font size 14 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Crossheadings, headings of lower level: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Text itself: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Spacing of the whole text: 1.25-fold line
Margins of the text: 2.5 cm
Text highlighting
With italics, not bold or underlining (with the exception of headings, see above).
Numbered in Arabic numerals in a superscript format, inserted continuously into the text as „footnotes“ (and, therefore, not as explanatory notes at the end of the text). Cambria font, font size 10 pt, spacing 1.25-fold line.
Tables, images, graphs, diagrams
Numbered consecutively and separately for each category (e.g. „Table no. 1,“ „Scheme no. 4“). It is essential to quote the source, if not clear from the text (for instance, „Source: author’s calculations“). Tables and images must be numbered consecutively; it is also necessary to quote all the used sources.
Each text must contain a Czech as well as English title.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Author Guidelines
The journal Central European Journal of Politics accepts manuscripts in an electronic form as a Word document (.doc, .docx) at the e-mail address: pavel.maskarinec@ujep.cz.
Passing a text to the editors, the author agrees to it being published (upon a positive review process) and declares that the text is original and he holds a full copyright for it, including the permission to use it. The contributions are not paid.
A) Extent of the manuscript
Article – up to 30 standard pages, i.e. 54,000 characters, including spaces. The stipulated extent does not include abstract, references, or appendices.
Review article, discussion paper – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
Reviews, conference reports, and others – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.
B) Formal aspects of the manuscripts
Each author has to provide his name, contact, and full address of his workplace, including his job position, and an e-mail address in a footnote on the first page.
An English title, a brief summary of the article in English (abstract, 150-200 words) and several (usually 5-6) keywords, also in English, have to be inserted under the title of the contribution and the author’s name.
At the conclusion of the paper, it is obligatory to give an alphabetical list of references and sources, i.e. without distinguishing between electronic and printed sources, primary and secondary sources, and the like.
C) Typographical form of contributions
Title of article: Cambria font – font size 18 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of author: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Name of workplace: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Abstract: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, italic normal typeface (normal)
Keywords: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Titles of chapters: Cambria font – font size 14 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Crossheadings, headings of lower level: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)
Text itself: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, normal typeface (normal)
Spacing of the whole text: 1.25-fold line
Margins of the text: 2.5 cm
Text highlighting
With italics, not bold or underlining (with the exception of headings, see above).
Numbered in Arabic numerals in a superscript format, inserted continuously into the text as „footnotes“ (and, therefore, not as explanatory notes at the end of the text). Cambria font, font size 10 pt, spacing 1.25-fold line.
Tables, images, graphs, diagrams
Numbered consecutively and separately for each category (e.g. „Table no. 1,“ „Scheme no. 4“). It is essential to quote the source, if not clear from the text (for instance, „Source: author’s calculations“). Tables and images must be numbered consecutively; it is also necessary to quote all the used sources.
Each text must contain a Czech as well as English title.
Central European Journal of Political Research
recenzovaný vědecký časopis
Citační norma
Citační norma v časopise Central European Journal of Political Research užívá tzv. Harvard style, tj. systém odkazování přímo v textu a závěrečný seznam použité literatury. Jako poznámky pod čarou mohou tedy být uváděny pouze poznámky obsahové, naopak odkazy na literaturu musí být vždy zahrnuty v textu příspěvku.
Odkaz na bibliografický údaj v textu
jméno autora ve vlastním textu:
- Linek (2012) či Linek (2012, 2014)
jméno autora mimo vlastní text:
- (Hanley 2012: 120) či (Hanley 2011, 2012) či (Reed 1990: 336; Hanley 2012: 120)
dva až tři autoři:
- Deegan-Krause a Haughton (2010: 237) či (Deegan-Krause a Haughton 2010: 237)
- Fotheringham, Charlton a Brunsdon (1998: 1910) či (Fotheringham, Charlton a Brunsdon 1998: 1910)
čtyři autoři a více:
- Grofman et al. (2004) či (Grofman et al. 2014)
více děl od jednoho autora, stejný rok vydání:
- Linek (2012a, 2012b) či (Linek 2012a, 2012b)
citace děl, které nemají konkrétního autora (tj. institucionální díla):
- International Crisis Group (2009) či (International Crisis Group 2009); případně zkratkou: ICG (2013) či (ICG 2013). Uvedení plného názvu instituce nebo naopak její zkratky musí být dodrženo i v bibliografii.
přímé citace jiných děl/autorů (quotations)
- ve dvojitých uvozovkách („citace“), prostým textem (nikoli kurzívou). Citace delší než čtyři řádky uvádějte jako samostatný odstavec, velikost písma 11, blokové odsazení 1,0 vlevo i vpravo. Pokud je potřeba část citovaného textu vynechat, použijte výpustku v závorce. Je-li potřeba doplnit citaci vlastními zásahy (např. ze stylistických či významových důvodů), použijte hranaté závorky, např.: „[kurziva autor]”.
Seznam literatury (řazen abecedně)
Citace monografických publikací
- Agnew, J. A. 1987. Place and Politics: The Geographical Mediation of State and Society. London: Allen & Unwin.
- Dahl, R. A. a Tufte, E. R. 1973. Size and Democracy. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Campbell, A., Converse, P. E., Miller, W. E. a Stokes, D. 1960. The American Voter. New York: Wiley.
Citace editovaných svazků
- Hloušek, V. a Kopeček, L. (eds.). 2003. Demokracie. Teorie, modely, osobnosti, podmínky, nepřátelé a perspektivy demokracie. Brno: Masarykova univerzita/Mezinárodní politologický ústav.
Citace článků v odborných časopisech
- O’Loughlin, J. 2002. „The Electoral Geography of Weimar Germany: Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) of Protestant Support for the Nazi Party.“ Political Analysis 10 (3): 217-243.
Citace článku v monografii nebo ve sborníku
- Lipset, S. M. a Rokkan, S. 1967. „Clevage Structures, Party Systems, and Voter Alignments: An Intoduction.“ In: S. M. Lipset a S. Rokkan (eds.). Party Systems and Voter Alignments: Cross-National Perspectives. New York: The Free Press, 1-64.
Dokument organizace
- ICG. 2005. Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy. Kathmandu/Brussels: International Crisis Group.
Dokument organizace na internetu
- ICG. 2005. Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy. Kathmandu/Brussels: International Crisis Group (http://www.crisisgroup.org/en/regions/asia/south-asia/nepal/104-nepals-maoists-their-aims-structure-and-strategy.aspx).
Článek v novinách
- Oyundari, E. 2015. „President answers questions from parliamentary members.“ UB Post. 12. dubna 2015, 5.
- UB Post. 2015. „President takes part in World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.“ UB Post. 12. dubna 2015, 5.
Článek v novinách na internetu
- Oyundari, E. 2015. „President answers questions from parliamentary members.“ UB Post. 12. dubna 2015 (http://ubpost.mongolnews.mn/?p=14147).
Diplomové, rigorózní a habilitační práce
Šedo, J. 2006. Volební systémy postkomunistických zemí. Dizertační práce. Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií, Brno.
Central European Journal of Political Research
recenzovaný vědecký časopis
Aktuální číslo
Pavel Maškarinec:
Prostorová analýza prezidentských voleb v České republice v roce 2013
Lukáš Novotný:
Liquid Democracy a Pirátská strana v Německu
Jan Charvát:
Analýza českého neonacistického hnutí
Central European Journal of Political Research
recenzovaný vědecký časopis
Aktuální číslo
Pavel Maškarinec:
Prostorová analýza prezidentských voleb v České republice v roce 2013
Lukáš Novotný:
Liquid Democracy a Pirátská strana v Německu
Jan Charvát:
Analýza českého neonacistického hnutí
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 2, No. 1 (2016)
Obsah / Content
Viera Žúborová – Ingrid Borárosová: Migrácia v médiách: utečenci verzus migranti. Chápanie migrantov a utečencov v mediálnom priestore v kontexte pozitívnej a negatívnej mediatizácie [Migration in media: refugees versus migrants. The understanding of migrants and refugees in media in the context of positive and negative mediatization]
Abstract: The migration-refugee crisis has received a lot of attention not only in the political and social sphere which was mainly influenced by the parliamentary elections in the Slovak republic in May, but it also became focal point of interest for academics. The aim of this article is to clarify the mediatization of the migration under the context of its positive and negative presentation. Respectively we can say that the article is focusing on linguistic understanding of two dependent terms, which are “migrant” and “refugee”. We believe that wide spread media coverage of these two terms differs not only in the context of understanding, but also in its interpretation of social reality. Within the presented article we will analyze the media coverage of these two terms with the aim of clarifying the differences between the terminology and of course the interpretation of reality. The result of our research could uncover the trends, which were visicourse the last couple years in mediatization of migration in other European and Non-European countries.
Keywords: Migrant, Refugee, Media, Security, Elections, Politicians
Citace článku: Žúborová, V. – Borárosová, I. 2016. „Migrácia v médiách: utečenci verzus migranti. Chápanie migrantov a utečencov v mediálnom priestore v kontexte pozitívnej a negatívnej mediatizácie.“ Central European Journal of Politics 2 (1): 1–15.
Martin Havlík: Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii
Abstract: My focus of interest in this article is direct democracy in California. I would like to present common history of direct democracy in California and in the USA and I will mention legislative framework of direct democracy in California Constitution. One of an important part of this article describes problems of direct democracy and its effect to California state budget. In context of California financial problems, I will mention some examples of popular voting in 2014, which illustrate how Californian citizens can influence revenues and costs of the state budget. In the end of article, I will deal with problems of recall institute.
Keywords: California, USA, direct democracy, recall, state budget
Citace článku: Havlík, M. 2015. „Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 17–28.
Jan Charvát: Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran
Abstract: The article discusses the political position of the Pirate Parties, which emerged in Europe after 2009. The author notes how these parties define themselves, what their ideological evolution is and what their programmatic is. It focuses on the question of whether the Pirate Party should be placed on the left-right scale in particular. The article questioned pursuing particular lines of the right-wing libertarianism, left-wing libertarianism, social liberalism and partly anarchism. It questions whether the Pirate Parties are type of the single-issue party, or whether their ten-year development led to a situation where in fact they offer a fully-fledged political program
Keywords: Czech Republic, Pirate Party, ideology, liberalism, libertarianism, social-liberalism
Citace článku: Charvát, J. 2015. „Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 29–39.
Jiří Pytelka: Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo
Abstract: This article attempts to approach the research opportunities in the field of the regional party competition research in multi–level settings on the example of Federal Republic Germany regional (state) level. First, we present an overview of approaches that explore sub-state party systems and levels of theirs congruence with national party systems. Second, we present possible opportunities and constraints that for sub-state research offer the German environment. Finally, despite rather theoretical focus of the article, we present a brief empirical analysis of one of the regional political sub-system, using the elections in Saxony-Anhalt from 1990 to 2011 as an example.
Keywords: Germany, German Länder, Sachsen-Anhalt, party competition, regional elections, multi-level settings, party system nationalization
Citace článku: Pytelka, J. 2015. „Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 40–54.
Marek Jeřicha: Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici
Citace článku: Jeřicha, M. 2015. „Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 55–57.
Radek Soběhart: Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby
Citace článku: Soběhart, R. 2015. „Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 58–60.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015)
Obsah / Content
Lukáš Novotný: Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení
Abstract: Today, the Pirate Party in Germany has both the longest and strongest representation in Chamber of Deputies in Berlin. This year (2015), it will be defend its almost nine percentage gain from previous election, and it will not be easy task, due to unfavourable electoral preferences of the Pirate Party, its apparent disarray and disunity in programmatic issues. If we want evaluate the activity of the Pirate Party as such, its presence in the German capital is absolutely crucial. This study will focus on the analysis of the successes and failures of the Berlin Pirates, while it will devote special attention to the four programmatic priorities that we identified as central for the Berlin Pirates: a) transparency policy; b) hierarchy and party discipline; c) participation of citizens in political decision-making processes; d) party performing.
Keywords: Piratenpartei Deutschlands, Germany, political party, liquid democracy, direct democracy, Berlin
Citace článku: Novotný, L. 2015. „Piráti v berlínské poslanecké sněmovně: bilance jejich dosavadního působení.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 1–16.
Martin Havlík: Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii
Abstract: My focus of interest in this article is direct democracy in California. I would like to present common history of direct democracy in California and in the USA and I will mention legislative framework of direct democracy in California Constitution. One of an important part of this article describes problems of direct democracy and its effect to California state budget. In context of California financial problems, I will mention some examples of popular voting in 2014, which illustrate how Californian citizens can influence revenues and costs of the state budget. In the end of article, I will deal with problems of recall institute.
Keywords: California, USA, direct democracy, recall, state budget
Citace článku: Havlík, M. 2015. „Problematika přímé demokracie v Kalifornii.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 17–28.
Jan Charvát: Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran
Abstract: The article discusses the political position of the Pirate Parties, which emerged in Europe after 2009. The author notes how these parties define themselves, what their ideological evolution is and what their programmatic is. It focuses on the question of whether the Pirate Party should be placed on the left-right scale in particular. The article questioned pursuing particular lines of the right-wing libertarianism, left-wing libertarianism, social liberalism and partly anarchism. It questions whether the Pirate Parties are type of the single-issue party, or whether their ten-year development led to a situation where in fact they offer a fully-fledged political program
Keywords: Czech Republic, Pirate Party, ideology, liberalism, libertarianism, social-liberalism
Citace článku: Charvát, J. 2015. „Pravice nebo levice? Analýza ideologie pirátských stran.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 29–39.
Jiří Pytelka: Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo
Abstract: This article attempts to approach the research opportunities in the field of the regional party competition research in multi–level settings on the example of Federal Republic Germany regional (state) level. First, we present an overview of approaches that explore sub-state party systems and levels of theirs congruence with national party systems. Second, we present possible opportunities and constraints that for sub-state research offer the German environment. Finally, despite rather theoretical focus of the article, we present a brief empirical analysis of one of the regional political sub-system, using the elections in Saxony-Anhalt from 1990 to 2011 as an example.
Keywords: Germany, German Länder, Sachsen-Anhalt, party competition, regional elections, multi-level settings, party system nationalization
Citace článku: Pytelka, J. 2015. „Teoretické možnosti analýzy regionálních politických subsystémů: příklad Spolkové republiky Německo.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 40–54.
Marek Jeřicha: Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici
Citace článku: Jeřicha, M. 2015. „Přemysl Rosůlek: Politický secesionismus & etické teorie. Allen Buchanan a jeho kritici.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 55–57.
Radek Soběhart: Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby
Citace článku: Soběhart, R. 2015. „Daron Acemoglu a James A. Robinson: Proč státy selhávají. Kořeny moci, prosperity a chudoby.“ Central European Journal of Politics 1 (1): 58–60.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2019)
Obsah / Content
How to cite: Charvát, J. 2019. „Nové politické strany ve střední Evropě: úvod k monotematickému číslu.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 1–5.
Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł – Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik: New parties in the Polish party system 2011–2018: The Palikot Movement, Kukiz’15 and the Modern Party of Ryszard Petru as genuinely new parties?
Abstract: The Polish party system has experienced several major changes since 1989. The last important change occurred in 2001, when two new parties were formed – the Law and Justice and the Civic Platform – which have since dominated the party competition in Poland and have been accused of almost completely blocking the system. However, since 2011, several new parties have emerged, claiming to represent a new quality in Polish politics. The subject of the analysis includes all those parties that entered the Polish parliament for the first time after the 2011 (the Palikot Movement) and 2015 elections (Kukiz’15, the Modern Party of Ryszard Petru). In order to assess their degree of novelty, the interval index of party congruence/novelty as proposed by Sikk and Köker is used. The parties chosen are analyzed in terms of their organization, leadership and candidate selection. Comparing these parties, we show the highest level of novelty in the case of the Modern Party, followed by Kukiz’15, with the Palikot Movement at the end. The other important conclusion concerns the phenomenon of bipolarity in Polish politics, which is related to the long-lasting rivalry between the Law and Justice and the Civic Platform parties, which prevents new parties from gaining political relevance. The emergence of three parties able to gain parliamentary seats shows that this bipolarity is not as ‘rigid’ as it may be perceived, hence new entrants into Polish politics are still possible.
Keywords: Poland, party system, new parties, The Palikot Movement, Kukiz’15, Modern Party of Ryszard Petru
How to cite: Kosowska-Gąstoł, B. – Sobolewska-Myślik, K. 2019. „New parties in the Polish party system 2011–2018: The Palikot Movement, Kukiz’15 and the Modern Party of Ryszard Petru as genuinely new parties?“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 6–29.
Abstract: This paper explores the ideology of the Czech Greens, especially the part that has been overlooked by previous research: the ideological background of green activists who took over the party in 2002 and transformed it into something more closely resembling the ideal type of their western counterparts. The empirical question here is how the structure of the Greens’ ideology developed until 2006, when the party achieved historic success in the parliamentary election (6.29%), and how this influenced the ensuing decision to participate in the right-wing conservative government led by the former principal enemy of the Greens, the Civic Democratic Party (ODS). The paper examines that question in a diachronic manner, using the theoretical framework of “New Politics”, on the one hand, and the morphological approach to ideologies, on the other. Four stages of ideological development between 1989 and 2006 are then introduced. While some authors have claimed that the technocratic elites of the former regime contributed to the development of contemporary “technocratic populism”, this paper shows that former dissent also contributed to the burdensome legacy of New Politics by contaminating it with “moral populism”. This influenced the ideological structure of the Greens at a critical stage of their development and steered them towards the model of “single-use” niche party in 2006.
Keywords: Czech Green Party, New Politics, Modular Ideology, Thin Ideology, Populism
How to cite: Křížkovský M. 2019. „The Burdensome Legacy of New Politics in Czechia: The Greens as a Case of Failed Moral Populism.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 30–54.
Abstract: The crisis of “old” (traditional, established) political parties and the related rise of new party actors represents a fundamental phenomenon in the politics of European countries nowadays. The goal of the paper is to analyse the position, role and development of two traditional parties in the Slovak political arena, the Slovak National Party (SNS) and the Christian-Democratic Movement (KDH), in the context of the rise of new political parties. We inquire whether and how the ideological-programmatic profiles and positions of both entities in the political arena have changed in this respect. Are new political parties (and if so, which ones are) able to influence the ideological-programmatic change/continuity of, and to weaken/strengthen, the SNS and the KDH in Slovak politics? The character of the SNS and the KDH (their positions, roles, internal situations including intra-party conflicts) has changed several times in the past. Recently, however, this change has become more dynamic, and the processes and the phenomena we observe demonstrate that the rise of new political entities has brought about more profound change in both established parties. Importantly in this regard, there has been growing competition from new (or old-new) parties of similar orientation, making the replacement of SNS or KDH by another representative of the same ideological-programmatic orientation a real possibility.
Keywords: Slovakia, party system, new parties, Slovak National Party, Christian-Democratic Movement
How to cite: Hynčica, P. 2019. „Krize a kontinuita „starých“ a nástup nových politických stran na Slovensku.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 55–70.
Adriana Vasiľková – Jarmila Androvičová: Príčiny nárastu podpory pravicového radikalizmu a extrémizmu na Slovensku: príklad politickej strany Kotleba–ĽSNS [Causes of increasing support of right-wing radicalism and extremism in Slovakia: Example of the political party Kotleba–ĽSNS]
Abstract: The crisis of traditional political parties, which has been intensively debated in recent years, is also relevant in Slovakia. The accompanying phenomenon of this crisis is the rise of various non-traditional political subjects, as well as the increasing popularity of radical and extremist political parties. In Slovakia, their main representative is the political party Kotleba – The People’s Party Our Slovakia (Kotleba–ĽSNS). The aim of the study is to analyse the causes of the increasing popularity of this party and the profile of its electorate. The study is based on theoretical and historical analysis of the core phenomena – radicalism, extremism and nationalism. It presents the idea that the core position of everyday mainstream nationalism in Slovak politics weakened the sensitivity of Slovak voters towards “enemy creating” strategies in politics, thus preparing the ground for the success of Kotleba–ĽSNS. It also discusses the ideological vs. protest background of Kotleba–ĽSNS voters.
Keywords: radicalism, extremism, political parties, crisis of democracy, voters´ behaviour, Kotleba-ĽSNS
How to cite: Vasiľková, A. – Androvičová, J. 2019. „Príčiny nárastu podpory pravicového radikalizmu a extrémizmu na Slovensku: príklad politickej strany Kotleba–ĽSNS.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 71–99.
Olga Brunnerová: Not all political entrepreneurs are created equal: The institutionalisation of entrepreneurial parties in Central Europe
Abstract: Political parties established by businessmen brought many new facets to the party systems of countries across Europe. They introduced fresh faces, PR-oriented campaigns, privately sponsored budgets, and anti-establishment issues, evading the traditional ideological cleavages. In this paper, I look closely at the institutionalisation process of six entrepreneurial political parties. These parties successfully entered parliaments in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. I suggest that although the entrepreneurial origin presents an advantageous organisational model for passing the electoral threshold and gaining seats in the parliament, in order to root more permanently in the party system, it is beneficial for the party to partially evolve beyond this formative state, including having stable or gradually increasing membership and a developed branch structure, while maintaining strong leadership and loyal elites. This argument is demonstrated on the cases of ANO 2011, the Public Affairs party, OĽaNO, Freedom and Solidarity, We Are Family – Boris Kollár and the Palikot Movement.
Keywords: Central Europe, entrepreneurial parties, institutionalisation, political entrepreneurs, the Czech Republic, party system
How to cite: Brunnerová, O. 2019. „Not all political entrepreneurs are created equal: The institutionalisation of entrepreneurial parties in Central Europe.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 100–124.
Nikol Vavřincová: Jakub CHARVÁT – Petr, JUST: Krize politického stranictví a noví straničtí aktéři v české politice.
How to cite: Vavřincová, N. 2019. „Jakub CHARVÁT – Petr, JUST: Krize politického stranictví a noví straničtí aktéři v české politice.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 125–126.
How to cite: Baroch, M. 2019. „Lubomír KOPEČEK – Vít HLOUŠEK – Roman CHYTILEK – Petra SVAČINOVÁ (eds.): Já platím, já rozhoduji! Političtí podnikatelé a jejich strany.“ Central European Journal of Politics 5 (1): 127–132.
Central European Journal of Politics
Peer-Reviewed Journal
Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2017)
Obsah / Content
Daniel Šárovec: Krajské volby 2016 a nové politické strany v České republice [The 2016 Regional Elections and New Political Parties in the Czech Republic]
Abstract: Czechparty system has significantly changed again after elections to the Chamber of Deputies. Elections in 2013. There were successful two new parties ANO 2011 and Dawn of Direct Democracy. This article focuses on the role of these new parties in regional elections 2016. Despite splitting PRO2016 off from ANO, was ANO with leader Andrej Babiš participating as a unitary actor in these elections. Dawn has undergone a much more complex process. In result Dawn has split off to two new parties – Dawn-National Coalition which was following up former Dawn of Direct Democracy, and Freedom and Direct Democracy of previous Dawn’s leader Tomio Okamura. This article aims to focus on a success of only two parties from the mix of all new parties in the regional elections 2016 – ANO as an election winner and Freedom and Direct Democracy as an election surprise – and to describe different ways which led to their electoral achievement.
Keywords: ANO 2011, Czech Republic, Dawn of Direct Democracy, Dawn-National Coalition, Freedom and Direct Democracy, new parties, newness, regional elections 2016
Citace článku: Šárovec, D. 2017. „Krajské volby 2016 a nové politické strany v České republice.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 1–25.
Vladimír Naxera – Petr Krčál: Všichni proti jednomu? „Anti-kotlebovský“ diskurz na oslavách výročí SNP 2017 [All against one? „Anti-Kotlebian“ discourse during the SNU 2017 celebrations]
Abstract: Following paper aims to analyze so called “anti-Kotlebian” (Marian Kotleba is leader of neo-Nazi party) discourse produced during the ceremony held on the occasion of Slovak National Uprising celebrations in Banská Bystrica (2017). Our effort is to provide interpretation of this discourse in two levels. According to Norman Fairclough, the first level is called “discoursive production” and deals with analysis of speeches held by politicians. The second level aims to “discoursive practice” and is focused to characterize creation of “anti-Kotlebian front” which tries to unite “anti-Kotlebian” voters. Used data were created through semiparticipant observation of these ceremonies.
Keywords: Banská Bystrica, reproduction of discourse, Marian Kotleba, neo-nazism, Slovak National Uprising, Robert Fico
Citace článku: Naxera, V. – Krčál, P. 2017. „Všichni proti jednomu? “Anti-kotlebovský” diskurz na oslavách výročí SNP 2017.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 26–38.
Lukáš Novotný: Pegida a migrační politika [Pegida and migration policy]
Abstract: Pegida exists since 2014 and is one of the most important contemporary organized form of social protest in Germany, and indeed, it is regularly demonstrating. It is associated with Dresden city and criticism of the current governing squad in Germany, and it understands as a proponent of the interests of „ordinary people“. This study will deal with Pegida, with a focus on the ways in which she criticizes the Federal Republic of Germany’s migration and asylum policies. This text is grounded in the fact that Pegida contributes to the current debate and to the existence of this „gap“. We will look at criticism of Pegida in the context of the current German debates on Leitkultur, about the role of Islam in today’s German society. The text will also present Pegida’s main development phase with focus of its program (Dresden theses), public speeches (especially on demonstrations) and the ideas of its representatives.
Keywords: protest, politics, Germany, Pegida, migration, opinion-policy gap
Citace článku: Novotný L. 2017. „Pegida a migrační politika“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 39–54.
Jana Lasicová: Erik PAJTINKA: Základy teórie a praxe diplomacie.
Citace článku: Lasicová, J. 2017. „Erik PAJTINKA: Základy teórie a praxe diplomacie.“ Central European Journal of Politics 3 (2): 55–57.
Central European Journal of Political Research
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