Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Central European Journal of Politics, Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)



Ondřej Filipec: Multilevel analysis of the 2021 Poland-Belarus Border Crisis in the Context of Hybrid Threats

Abstract: This article aims to provide a deeper context of the Poland-Belarus crisis, which is interpreted through the lens of hybrid threats and hybrid warfare. A multilevel analysis of the crisis assesses four dimensions: political, strategic, tactical, and operational. Emphasis is put on the executive (operational and tactical) dimensions, which are well suitable for analysing the effects of hybrid threats and hybrid warfare. The author argues that the crisis per se may be considered a hybrid threat, but in a broader context, it is a part and one of the tools of hybrid warfare. A DIMEFIL classification is proposed for analysing and designing tools for addressing hybrid threats and warfare.

Keywords: Migration, Poland, Belarus, borders, crisis, hybrid warfare, hybrid threat, Russian Federation, DIMEFIL

How to cite: Filipec, O. 2022. “Multilevel analysis of the 2021 Poland-Belarus Border Crisis in the Context of Hybrid Threats.” Central European Journal of Politics 8 (1): 1–18. DOI: 10.24132/cejop_2022_1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24132/cejop_2022_1

Miroslav Plundrich: Diplomacie nestátních aktérů: badatelský mýtus, či realita? [Diplomacy by non-state actors: research myth or reality?]

Abstract: The current international system finds itself at a stage where foreign relations are being formed by the official governments of individual states and also by other, often diverse, actors. In particular, non-state actors have been establishing, far more than ever, foreign contacts with other actors in areas such as trade, investment, technology exchange, and others. However, the current academic field suffers from a gap in the conceptualization and research of foreign activities by non-state armed actors. This study presents a new conceptual approach to foreign activities by non-state armed actors and presents two questions for a debate in international relations: Can we grasp such foreign activities by non-state armed actors that are close to diplomacy? And, if so, how can this be achieved?

Keywords: Non-state actor, diplomacy, paradiplomacy, antodiplomacy, foreign activities, Hezbollah, non-state armed groups

How to cite: Plundrich, M. 2022. „Diplomacie nestátních aktérů: badatelský mýtus, či realita?“ Central European Journal of Politics 8 (1): 19–40. DOI: 10.24132/cejop_2022_2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24132/cejop_2022_2


Vladimír Hanáček: Volební koalice ve stranickém systému – možnosti typologického určení v České republice po volbách 2021 [Electoral alliances in the party system – possibilities of classification in the Czech Republic after the 2021 elections]

Abstract: The article evaluates the possibilities of classifying the Czech party system after the election of 2021, considering the presence of two electoral alliances comprised of five political parties. Based on Canadian political scientist Steven Wolinetz’s conceptualization of electoral alliances as blocs of parties, we conclude that the presence of a higher number of relevant entities does not imply a transformation of the party system towards bipolarity and one-dimensional competition, since the constituent parties of alliances do not compete with one another. For this reason, we classify the Czech party system after the 2021 parliamentary election as a case of bipolar extended multipartism in Wolinetz’s typology.

Keywords: Party system, typology, electoral coalition, bipolar configuration, centripetality, competition, Wolinetz, Sartori

How to cite: Hanáček, V. 2022. „Volební koalice ve stranickém systému – možnosti typologického určení v České republice po volbách 2021.“ Central European Journal of Politics 8 (1): 41–48. DOI: 10.24132/cejop_2022_3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24132/cejop_2022_3