Central European Journal of Politics

Peer-Reviewed Journal

The Central European Journal of Politics is the official journal of the Central European Political Science Association (CEPSA) and is indexed in the DOAJ, ERIH Plus and Index Copernicus

Author Guidelines

The journal Central European Journal of Politics accepts manuscripts in an electronic form as a Word document (.doc, .docx) at the e-mail address: pavel.maskarinec@ujep.cz.

Passing a text to the editors, the author agrees to it being published (upon a positive review process) and declares that the text is original and he holds a full copyright for it, including the permission to use it. The contributions are not paid.

A) Extent of the manuscript

Article – up to 30 standard pages, i.e. 54,000 characters, including spaces. The stipulated extent does not include abstract, references, or appendices.

Review article, discussion paper – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.

Reviews, conference reports, and others – up to 8 standard pages, i.e. 14,400 characters, including spaces.

B) Formal aspects of the manuscripts
Each author has to provide his name, contact, and full address of his workplace, including his job position, and an e-mail address in a footnote on the first page.

An English title, a brief summary of the article in English (abstract, 150-200 words) and several (usually 5-6) keywords, also in English, have to be inserted under the title of the contribution and the author’s name.

At the conclusion of the paper, it is obligatory to give an alphabetical list of references and sources, i.e. without distinguishing between electronic and printed sources, primary and secondary sources, and the like.

C) Typographical form of contributions

Title of article: Cambria font – font size 18 pt, bold typeface (bold)

Name of author: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)

Name of workplace: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)

Abstract: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, italic normal typeface (normal)

Keywords: Cambria font – font size 10 pt, normal typeface (normal)

Titles of chapters: Cambria font – font size 14 pt, bold typeface (bold)

Crossheadings, headings of lower level: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, bold typeface (bold)

Text itself: Cambria font – font size 12 pt, normal typeface (normal)

Spacing of the whole text: 1.25-fold line

Margins of the text: 2.5 cm

Text highlighting
With italics, not bold or underlining (with the exception of headings, see above).

Numbered in Arabic numerals in a superscript format, inserted continuously into the text as „footnotes“ (and, therefore, not as explanatory notes at the end of the text). Cambria font, font size 10 pt, spacing 1.25-fold line.

Tables, images, graphs, diagrams
Numbered consecutively and separately for each category (e.g. „Table no. 1,“ „Scheme no. 4“). It is essential to quote the source, if not clear from the text (for instance, „Source: author’s calculations“). Tables and images must be numbered consecutively; it is also necessary to quote all the used sources.

Each text must contain a Czech as well as English title.